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Specimen Islandiæ non barbaræ written in latin by Jón Þorkelsson (1697–1759). It counts the literary works written in Iceland set out to prove that Iceland and indeed Icelanders are not barbaric at all. The book is bilingual and edited by Margrét Eggertsdóttir and Guðvarður Már Gunnlaugsson. This is volume nr. 109 in the series Rit Árnastofnunar. 


ISBN 9789979654643

Editors Margrét Eggertsdóttir & Guðvarður Már Gunnlaugsson

Publisher Árnastofnun, 2022

Format Paperback, 22 cm

Pages 421 

Sýnisbók þess að Ísland er ekki barbaraland

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