A collection of thirteen essays by Jón Hilmar Jónsson. The latest essay written in 2017 but the others have been published in various journals and periodicals around the world. Jón Hilmar is the author and editor of many known Icelandic dictionaries such as Orðastaður (1994) and Stóra orðabókin um íslenska málnotkun (2005). The book is the 98. issue of the Rit Árnastofnunar series and contains abstract in English and essays in Norwegian and English as well as Icelandic.
ISBN 9789979654452
Author Jón Hilmar Jónsson
Publisher Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum, 2018
Format Hardcover, 24 cm
Pages 307
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