This beautiful book by Icelandic photographer Einar Falur Ingólfsson combines his artful photography with a diary for a year. So, 366 photographs all in all. Einar Falur started this project when he was an artist in residence at the Library of Water in Stykkishólmur in the West of Iceland. He took a picture each day for a year, took note of the official weather status there and then and compared it to the weather notes made by Árni Thorlacius (1802 - 1891) who was a merchant in Stykkishólmi and also took careful note of the weather each day.
Introduction by Icelandic author Jón Kalmann Stefánsson.
ISBN 9789935975720
Author Einar Falur Ingólfsson, Árni Thorlacius
Publisher Kind útgáfa, 2024
Format Hardcover
Pages 400
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