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Jónas Hallgrímsson (1807 - 1845) was a romantic poet, naturalist and a passionate participant in Iceland's struggle for independence. He was however also a tireless wordsmith. His field of study, the natural sciences, completely lacked Icelandic vocabulary and he built the necessary vocabulary that is still in use to this day and in basically every other field as well. Anna Sigríður Þráinsdóttir here writes about this best examples and the text is truly enriched by illustrations by Elín Elísabet Einarsdóttir. 


ISBN 9789935311597

Author Anna Sigríður Þráinsdóttir & illustr. by Elín Elísabet Einarsdóttir

Publisher Sögur útgáfa, 2022

Format Hardcover, 27 cm

Pages 207

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